onsdag 26 november 2014

Glögg - Mulled wine

So this will be my first post in English on our blog so please excuse me for my misspellings.

Glögg is for Swedish Christmas was Butler is for the Royals ( i know he is not playing for the Royals next season)
The smell of it is the smell of the season and most party's starts with serving Glögg. The closest thing i can find on the Webb is mulled wine.
This goes back a long time in our history, if i´m not mistaken somewhere around the 15 Th century.
So you can make it in a lot of different ways, there are new and old recipes

Lets start with a classic Glögg

1 bottle of red wine
1 cinnemon stick
1 piece of ginger
1 big piece of orange peal
5 cloves
2 tbs of cardamon
1 cup of sugar
0,5 cup of vodka

Heat the red wine in a pot with all the ingredients besides the vodka. Don´t let it boil,  just seethe. Take it of the stove and let it sit for an hour. Remove the spices and add the vodka and heat it up slowly again. ( no boiling)

Serve with raisins and almonds

You do not have to add vodka to it if you don´t want to. It´s just as nice with out it. Or if you like cognac or rum better use that.

Apple-Glögg ( No alcohol)

1 piece of ginger
2 cinnamon sticks
1/2 tbs cardamon
1/2 cup of brown sugar
0,8 cups of water
1 orange
4 cups apple cider

Peel and slice the ginger. Put ginger, cinnamon and cardamon in a pot with sugar and water. Put it to a boil and let it boil for 4 minutes.
Peel the orange and squeeze it. Add the orange juice and orange peel with the spices and apple cider. Let it sit for a few hours.

Heat up and serve. If you like serve it with apple slices.

God Jul (Merry Christmas)

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